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Video Marketing

Advertising and media are undergoing an unprecedented upheaval. The digital economy demands new approaches and new rules for success; an advertising model for the connected generation.

“The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service sells itself, thus making selling superfluous”. - Peter Drucker

A Fundamental change in the way we think about media

​We think old Peter Drucker — as usual — hit the nail right on the head. That’s why we anchor our creative strategies on real-time social insights. Before we even pick up a pen — or a GoPro — we must get intimately acquainted with a brand’s most important asset: its audience. Who are they? What are their hopes and aspirations, their preferred platforms? How, why and when do they interact with your brand?

The aim is to deliver compelling brand experiences which create genuine value for the target audience. We achieve this via the power of storytelling; entering the world of the audience to develop deep emotional connections, leading to increased brand awareness and loyalty. And one of the best ways to do it is through video marketing.

Why do we need video marketing?

Simple: because it's an immediate form of storytelling that demands less of its viewer than reading.

Video engages more senses than reading - it’s more visually interesting and incorporates sound as well as text.

Further, in this time-poor, perma-connected world, people are consuming content in ever-decreasing snippets. Video content and video advertising is an ideal format for that 15-minute train commute, that 20-minute lunch break, or for when you’ve crashed out at home after a long day.

The benefits of video, combined with a modern lifestyle that lends itself to watching rather than reading, makes it a natural choice for any marketing content strategy.

But can I afford video marketing?

We encourage brands to make a serious, long-term commitment to generating amazing content as part of their ongoing video marketing strategy.

This doesn’t mean spending more money. We get it, budgets are tight, every penny has to be accounted for.

But here’s the good news: by reallocating existing, poorly optimised and ineffective media spend into quality, shareable content that creates real value, significantly less spend may be required, as the content will be shared among a receptive and engaged target audience.

Need More Proof? Get your stats here.

In 2022, video accounted for a show-stealing 65% of internet traffic, and it’s only set to get more popular. According to Cisco Systems, every single second a million minutes’ worth of video content will cross the world’s networks.

A HubSpot poll asked what types of future content people wanted to see more of. The most popular answer (53% of participants) was video. The poll also showed video is the most engaging medium: 62% of respondents said they consumed video thoroughly instead of skimming it. The corresponding figure for blog content was just 27%.

Clearly, then, video marketing should play a crucial role in any content strategy worth its salt – and it will only become more integral in years to come.

Meaning that, with video marketing from Woven, brands can build more personal relationships with their audiences via the most engaging medium available. Contact us today to find out how our video content can turn your next project into a blockbuster. Or should that be a Netflix...

Your Video Marketing Agency

Creativity and brand strategy are key to memorable video content, and Woven integrates both into incredible video campaigns. Speak to us today to discover how we can take your video content to the next level.

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