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Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation Agency

The digital world has changed the way we communicate, do business, buy products and entertain ourselves. Yet whilst consumer desire for these services is only going to increase, many organisations have been slow to get on board with digital transformation.

Although most have accepted that ‘this digital thing’ is here to stay, archaic reporting structures and silos within existing business practices often prevent joined-up thinking when it comes to the end-to-end customer experience.

As such, digital transformation projects are being implemented in a fragmented, piecemeal fashion, without a clear focus on the user experience — and in a way that often lets down the wider brand.


Don’t lift a finger or spend a penny on technology or digital transformation projects until you have a clear picture of all aspects of your customer journey.

How do they research and find products and services? What devices do they use? Where do they go for inspiration and advice? What role does social media play? How can digital transformation build value at every stage of the process?


You don’t have to be a digital transformation expert to know that mobile and device usage is pretty much ubiquitous. So if you aren’t planning for a proliferation of devices and different but integrated user experiences, chances are your plan is already redundant.

Any digital transformation plan focused solely on today’s patterns of user behaviour will be obsolete before it begins. The next five to ten years will bring changes on a scale even greater than anything we’ve seen so far: AI, big data, smart algorithms, personalisation, one-to-one marketing relationships and nanotech — all are set to revolutionise our lives in ways we’ve barely begun to understand.


More often than not, digital transformation requires a fundamental shift in organisational thinking and structure. This is grown-up change-management, and the bigger and older the organisation the harder it is to turn the oil tanker.

In fact, what might be required is a full-scale decommissioning of the oil tanker to be replaced by a fleet of smaller, nimbler, self-sailing craft, skippered by solar-powered engines and impervious to attack by pirates — before a joint venture between Tesla and Google renders the entire existing oil-tanker business redundant. Now that’s digital transformational thinking.

Woven have become the digital transformation agency of some of the finest brands worldwide. Speak to us about becoming yours today.

Your Digital Transformation Agency

Digital should be at the heart of any brand's effective communication. Speak to Woven today to discuss how we can bring your digital presence forward.

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